At New Laigh Kirk, we don't believe that one style of worship fits all. There are all sorts of worship styles and musical adaptations of the word of God. In our church, we're not afraid to explore the variety of worship styles and try to incorporate a blend of both traditional and more up to dates genres of music into our services.
Our Praise Band rehearse every Wednesday night from 7:30pm in our church building.
If you're musical or would like to get involved with our praise band, then why not come along and join in our rehearsals? Everyone is welcome to join in.
We have a vast and talented group of young musicians who have come together in our church to worship God by playing the styles of worship music that make them feel comfortable and faith centred.
Our youth praise band is open and welcoming to any young person under the age of 18 who would like to come along and perform as part of a worship band. Our youth praise band have the opportunity to perform in some of our services to showcase the amazing talent we have in the community and to worship God is a modern and vibrant way.
Youth Praise band rehearsals run during term time, every second Sunday after our church services, from 12:30pm-1:30pm.

Music is an important part of life at New Laigh Kirk and annually, as part of our Community Outreach there is a series of concerts under the banner of "Music For All @ New Laigh Kirk." These concerts are very varied and have included bands, orchestras, choirs and soloists from many different facets of music. The concerts are free, everyone is welcome and there is an opportunity to make a voluntary financial contribution at the end of each concert.
In the past, we have had performances by:
Calgary (Canada) Male Voice Choir
Dalry Burns Club - The Jolly Beggars Opera
The Songs for all Community Choir
Loudoun Musical Society
Newmilns & Galston Brass Band
Kilmarnock Amateur Operatic Society
Ayrshire Fiddle Orchestra
Crossroads Community Choir in aid of Christian Aid
Robert Burns World Federation concerts, featuring Alastair McDonald and Pauline Vallance
Looking to the future we would like our Church to become a Community Hub with more musical events, bringing local people together in a welcoming environment.
Check out our up and coming events below.