Come and join us in our family of faith!
Prayer Group
New Laigh Kirk has many focuses, but we never lose sight of the importance of prayer. Our monthly prayer group is led by our minister, David, and runs via Zoom on the first Thursday of every month. In each section, everyone has the opportunity to pray for ourselves, others, the wider community and the world. This is explored further at our Inspire! prayer sessions on the first Wednesday every month at 11am in the church session room.
For more information about the prayer group, please contact Rev. Cameron below.
Lots of Opportunities
We encourage our church family to get together outside of worship times. Our church offers a range of social, learning and volunteer events that help strengthen our members as individuals and as a community.

The Boys Brigade are one of the biggest Christian Youth Organisations in the UK & Republic of Ireland.
We have faith in young people and provide opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith.
There’s something for every young person whether it’s camping or kayaking, first aid or five a side, music or crafts. Members develop skills, build confidence, make friends, take responsibility and are encouraged to make a real difference in their communities – sharing the values that make us who we are.
Join us:
Boys Brigade Anchor boys (ages 5-8 years). Fridays 6pm-7pm. St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Mr Stewart Chapman (07745162694)
Boys’ Brigade Junior Section (ages 8+ to 11 years). Fridays 7:15pm-9pm. St. Marnock’s Halls Contact: Elaine Park (01563 533464)
Boys’ Brigade Company Section (ages11+ to 18 years). Fridays 7pm-9:30pm. New Laigh Kirk Hall Contact: Mr David McDonald (01563 544037)
Rainbows follow a fun and interactive programme. In unit meetings, they do fun activities, play games and earn skills builder badges, all while being supported by our trained volunteers.
Your child could get skills builder badges in themes such as camping, communication and first aid. And if she wants to take guiding home, there’s lots of interest badges to do in between unit meetings, like the book lover badge, construction badge and helper badge.
She’ll laugh, sing and make a happy mess (and help clear it up!) as she chooses her way through our programme of activities. She’ll have plenty of magic moments: she might become a time traveller, an animal tracker, a pop singer, a stargazer. It’s a wonderful world of adventure, week after week, just for her.
Join us:
Rainbows (ages 4-7 years). Wednesdays 6pm-7:15pm. New Laigh Kirk Hall. Contact: Sheena Baillie (07749 617204)

Being a Brownie is an adventurous journey girls go on with friends to discover the world around them. Brownie units bring girls together to help them discover new hobbies, get creative, explore other cultures and have outdoor adventures. Girls meet regularly to work on badges, learn new skills, play games and see their friends – and there are also opportunities to go along to special events, like sleepovers and camps.
During meetings girls will try new things – they can work in groups on skills builder activities and unit meeting activities (UMAs).
They can work towards interest badges in their own time, choosing topics and skills they’re interested in, exploring everything from languages to space. Brownies can feel proud of their achievements by earning awards for each theme, and even work towards the Brownie Gold award – the highest award a Brownie can get!
Join us:
Brownies (ages 7-10). Wednesdays 6pm-7:30pm. New Laigh Kirk Hall.Contact: Fiona Malcolm (07903 212703)
Guides have an exciting and varied programme designed to inspire, challenge and encourage girls to make a difference in their community. Guides is an excellent opportunity to get out there and do something really different. Girls create their own campaigns, learn and share new skills and fly down the occasional zip wire. They explore new places like camps, trips and enjoy exciting events like Tartan Gig.
Girls at Guides won’t be your average friends. They’ll be the girls who want to go on adventures with you, who encourage you to try new things and who celebrate when you’ve pushed yourself to achieve something special.
As girls progress through Guides they’ll have a chance to lead small groups and support younger girls to have fun and make friends. They can even get involved in our leadership opportunities. Guides are never stuck for something to do. Whether girls want to dedicate their time to exploring the outdoors, focus on their hobbies, or challenge themselves with something new, there’s something to suit everyone.
Join us:
Guides (ages 10-14). Wednesdays 7:45pm-9:15pm. New Laigh Kirk Hall. Contact: Mary Dunlop (07519 124548)

The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer, action and fellowship.
With around 15,000 members, the Guild is one of Scotland's largest voluntary organisation. Although women make up the bulk of our membership, increasingly, men are becoming members and taking active roles at local and national levels.
The Guild's motto, which is taken from Acts 27, verse 23: "Whose we are and Whom we serve."
Join us:
Guild (every second Monday) 7:15pm. New Laigh Kirk Hall. Contact: Lesley Wright (01563 523039) or Elspeth Dale (01292 541240)
The Highlights Club is an informal, social organisation for ladies, open to both members of the congregation and non-members.
The Highlights group offers a wide range of activities, which have included line dancing, cocktail evenings, 20p auctions, beauty, jewellery and cookery evenings, games nights, relaxation and massage techniques, wine tasting and craft nights. Every April we host a charity quiz night and invite other members of the congregation and friends to join us. This is always a great fun night and well attended, and from our first quiz in 2005 until 2019, we raised over £15,000 for Breast Foot Forward. The Breast Foot Forward Charity wound up when its founders retired and our charity is now Ayrshire Cancer Support. We finish each session in May with a night out locally, or a day trip to somewhere further afield. We would love to welcome any new members- come along and bring a friend, or make new friends when you come. There is no pressure to come to every meeting, simply come along when you can and you will be assured of a warm welcome and a fun, stress-free evening. Details of the meetings are placed in the church magazine along with information on how the activities have gone.
Join us:
Highlights Group Mondays 7:30pm. Contact: Eileen Murphy (01563 543488), Laura Cameron (07875898383), Kathryn Coleman (07743924702)

There's so many ways to get involved!
New Laigh Kirk has an abundance of groups, organisations and volunteer opportunities. Everyone is welcome to get involved and there are plenty of rolls you can play in the running of our church.
For more information about how to get involved, please contact our Church email:
Or find us on Facebook

What is Alpha?
Alpha is an 11-week course that creates a space, online or in person, where people are excited to bring their friends for a conversation about faith, life and God.
Each Alpha talk looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. Alpha is run all around the globe, and everyone is welcome.
At New Laigh Kirk, we believe it is important to develop your faith in a variety of ways and we encourage everyone to explore their faith, whether you're new to the Christian faith, have questions you need answered, or are a long standing church member, everyone can enhance their faith together.
If you would like to be involved with an Alpha series in our church, please contact Amy Tanner (07980665432).